Most parents are anxious to support their children as much as possible but are unsure how they can help. It is our intention to help you have a better insight into how your child learns at school, how the different areas of the curriculum are taught and how you might help at home.
Below is a list of ways you can help your child get the most from his/her early years at school.
- Establish good routines for bedtime etc. so he/she is well rested. Children find the long school day very tiring at first.
- Establish good habits of attendance and punctuality. On the other hand, don’t feel guilty if you decide to keep him/her at home because he is poorly. Children stand to gain little at school if they are feeling ‘under the weather.’ Don’t be surprised if they suffer from several illnesses in the first few years.
- Listen to your child read regularly. Choose a quiet time when there are no distractions. Make it an enjoyable experience – see our booklet “Help with Reading.”
- When your child is involved in any activity please encourage them to concentrate and spend a reasonable amount of time at the activity before changing to do something else.
- Try to encourage your child to be independent, to be able to take responsibility for their own belongings. Make sure they know where in their clothing their name is so they can find their own clothes when changing for P.E. Help them learn how to dress themselves.
- Show an interest in his/ her work but judge when is the best time to discuss it. Many children need to relax when they first get home.
- Your child may be keen to tell you about the class Learning Experience. You may be able to help by loaning interesting objects/ photographs or even paying the class a visit to share an interest or experience.
- If you detect a reluctance or anxiety you feel might be school related bring it to the attention of the teacher. We will also contact you if we are concerned.
- Attend as many school functions as you can – they are always advertised well in advance in the newsletters. This way you keep informed and your child benefits from the knowledge that his teacher and parents are working in partnership.
- Any activities you decide to introduce at home should be fun, not a chore. Don’t compare your child’s progress or performance with others – we are all different! Some are especially good at drawing, some have a particularly vivid imagination, some are very advanced physically, some find numbers easy. All children are proud of their achievements and benefit greatly from feeling valued by their parents and others. They become happy, confident and able to learn to the best of their ability.
- If you have any time to spare and would like to be involved in school life, we can always use your skills and interests!