Starting School in September 2025

Starting school in September 2025?

If your child is 4 or will turn 4 before 1st September 2025 they can start school in September 2025.  For more information go to

We welcome visits to our school. If you would like to book a tour to see the school, please ring the School Office on 01243 782368 and we will be happy to book you in and guide you through the process.

All parents applying for a place, should complete the Local Authority Application Form, which requires parents to state three schools in order of preference. This form should be completed online at between 9.00am on Monday 7th October 2024 until 11.59pm on Wednesday 15th January 2025.

Parents applying under a Church category should complete the Supplementary Information form available on the link at the bottom of this page.  Forms should be returned to the school no later than 15th January 2025.  This can either be posted, dropped into the school reception or emailed to [email protected]

Those applying for Foundation Places who attend Church on a regular basis should make an appointment to see their priest or minister and ask them to complete a Church Support Form. These forms should be requested by the clergy direct from the School by emailing [email protected] . They should be returned by clergy to the school no later than 31st January 2025 for consideration by the Governors. The decision of the Governors will be conveyed to the Local Authority who will notify parents and carers on 16th April 2025.

Please see our Admissions Policy for admission arrangements and over subscription criteria.

Late applicants

Applications to the Local Authority and/or Supplementary Information forms submitted after the specified deadline are ranked after all those applications received on time.

Proof of residency and change of address

Governors follow the West Sussex County Council’s policy. Information regarding the address used for admissions, supporting evidence which may be required and the deadline for applicants who move into the area after 15th January 2025 can be found in the ‘Information for Parents booklet’ which is available on the West Sussex County Council website: In the event of a change of address you should also notify the school.

The school has an agreed and published admission number (PAN) of 18 pupils for entry in Reception.

If you have any questions regarding Admissions please contact the school, telephone

01243 782368 or email [email protected]