African Extravaganza was nothing short of incredible! The students showcased their excitement and confidence throughout the day, culminating in a splendid performance for you, our beloved parents. Thank you once again for joining us and sharing in their learning journey; it truly enriches their experience when they can present to their loved ones.
Friday Lunchtime Disco Day! Children enjoying their Friday lunchtime Disco.
On Wednesday 3rd July, we held an Olympic Day. Initially we all met in the hall and found out about the Olympic logo and the symbolism behind the five rings. (Please ask your child what the 5 rings represent, tell them Mrs Harris says they should know). Then the children were assigned one of four […]
Thank you for the huge turn out to Sports day on Wednesday afternoon. We had so many parents and carers come to spectate. It made us realise just how much we have grown. Next year we will have to hold two events so parents have time and space to move between the events. At […]
This week Red Class went to visit Butser Ancient Farm to kick start their learning experience on the Stone Age. The children were beautifully behaved and represented the school fantastically. The children spent time exploring stone age houses, sitting round fires, and taking part in other activities such as chalk carving and wattle fence building. […]
To celebrate the King’s Cornonation on the 6th May, Rumboldswhyke held a Coronation Tea Party for the children. In the morning the children took part in art and craft activities, they decorated their plates, coloured in King and Queen templates, decorated crowns and made flags to wave in the afternoon. During Worship the children have […]
Thank you to Immanuel Church for making our Santa’s Grotto so magical, the children thought it was wonderful! Thank you too to all our parents for contributing gifts, giving their time and supporting us to make our Christmas Fair so successful. We made a profit of £520 which will go towards the purchase of a […]
Thank you to the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership for supporting us during our Sports Day. The weather was perfect and children had a wonderful time.
Classes: Early Years, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee the children enjoyed a wonderful party. They took part in team games, country dancing and ate a traditional english tea, which included cucumber sandwiches, strawberries and cake. The Association of Friends of Rumboldswhyke School presented each child with a commemerative teddy bear.It was a special event which was enjoyed […]
Classes: Early Years, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
The Year 2 & 3 children have enjoyed a topic about having a healthy balanced diet and the importance of exercise. To excite and enthuse the children, the topic started with a ‘Eurostar train journey’ to Paris, where they enjoyed a French cafe breakfast. It was very exciting! Towards the end of the learning experience, […]
Classes: Early Years, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3