Welcome to the Rumboldswhyke Governor’s page.
Your school Governing body is key to ensuring the effectiveness of Rumboldswhyke School and upholding our School Vision and Values.
Governors work closely with school staff to provide the strategic leadership of our school with accountability for both the quality of education we provide to all our children and for the funds allocated to us by the Government.
The Local Governing Body is part of the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership.
Fr Angus Re | Ex-officio Foundation Governor – Chair |
Margaret Lumley | Trustee of the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership |
Lisa Harris | Head of School |
Abigail Gilbert | Staff Governor |
Ginnie Wyllie | Parent Governor |
Hannah Brooks | Parent Governor |
Jennifer O’Shaughnessy-Beal | Parent Governor |
Julian Cox | Parent Governor |
Rev Paul Collins | Minister of Immanuel Church |
Brian Dempster | Trustee of the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership |
Our school Governors are drawn from all the stakeholders in our school community, they are appointed for a four year term and all volunteer their time and skills for the benefit of our school. The different categories of Governor help to ensure that the Governing Body has sufficient diversity of views, skills and experiences however all Governors have equal status and Governors act as one single body.
In total we have 8 Governors.
Mrs Harris our head of school represents our school and provides the board with regular and detailed reports on our school.
Mrs Gilbert also represents the school as the staff member on the local governing body. The staff Governor is well placed to understand staff views and remind the Governing body how matters being discussed affect staff. They also help the Governing body communicate effectively with staff through regular feedback at staff meetings.
Fr. Angus, is the current chair of governors and ex-officio, is the representative from our local church, St George’s in Cleveland Road.
We have four Parent Governors who can be either parents or carers with responsibility for a child at school. They are nominated by other parents and elected by the current parents at school. Whenever they can, Parent Governors try to represent views of most parents in the school community and inform the Governing body how matters under discussion may affect parents. They can also help the Governing body communicate with other parents.
We have one Governor, Margaret Lumley, who is a trustee of the Bishop Luffa Learning Partnership.
We meet as a whole twice a term. The first meeting of each term is focussed on strategy and skills. We consider the schools direction, performance data and our school development plan as well as reflecting on and evaluating our school.
At the end of each term we meet conduct the statutory business of the Governing body
- We receive and discuss the Head teachers report for the term
- Receive visit and meeting reports from all members
- Review safeguarding within the school
- Discuss amendments and updates to School policies
- Any other business arising during the term.