

Our topic this half term is Castles, and to introduce it, the children have been exploring the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk. They are learning each section of the story through the use of pictures and actions before retelling it in their own words. These photos show their story openings. They have also been using playdough to model the beanstalk and characters in the story. Also, on a sunny afternoon this week the children had a lovely time in our outside area making mini beast habitats. What an exciting time they are having!

Further on in the term the children learnt about castles, their role in the community, building styles, properties and locations. They enjoyed making swords and shields and using these to re-enact the Battle of Hastings. Finding out about the Bayeux Tapestry was interesting and it enabled them to write great fact sheets. The children have also been discovering the difference between fiction and non fiction books and the role of contents pages and glossaries. They have applied their new found skills to their castle leaflets. It has been a busy half term!